Nasa has used laser beams to transfer data between the moon and Earth at a record-breaking download rate.
The new development will eventually allow spacecraft to beam back high quality images and 3D videos from space.
Nasa transferred data to and from a probe called Ladee, which is orbiting the moon some 239,000 miles (370,000km) away from Earth.
It used a system called the Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration (LLCD), and achieved a download rate of 622 megabits per second. By contrast, average residential broadband speeds in the UK this year were measured at 5.7 megabits per second.
Earlier this year, Nasa shot an image of the Mona Lisa into space using a laser beam, but reached a rate of only 300 bits per second.
Nasa's Badri Younes said: "LLCD is the first step on our roadmap toward building the next generation of space communication capability.
"We are encouraged by the results of the demonstration to this point, and we are confident we are on the right path to introduce this new capability into operational service soon."