The page doesn't list GarageBand at all now, but after a revision - that has since been pulled again - the small print at the bottom explained that the app will be free to all iOS 7 devices, presumably after the iPad 5 and iPad mini 2 announcements tomorrow.
As MacRumors pointed out before it was changed again, the new small print added the following line:
"GarageBand is free on the App Store for all iOS 7 compatible devices; additional GarageBand instruments and sounds are available with an in-app purchase. iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote are free on the App Store for qualifying iOS 7 compatible devices activated on or after September 1, 2013."
Since the further update, the new page just refers to iPhone, iMovie, Pages, Numbers and Keynote.
Join Pocket-lint for the latest updates on the Apple announcement event tomorrow, 22 October. We will be reporting live throughout.